11 06 2010

Group Presentation Of eLearning

The group presentation of assignment 1 has discussed eLearning as the topic.


Since eLearning occurred in eighties, the way people pursue education has alternated drastically. People can vary the way they study by experiencing eLearning. It’s claimed they can study in flexible time. Next, they can themselves the place and the pace of the study. In short, eLearning has given people opportunity to access study in the way they never imagine.

What is e Learning?

The definitions of eLearning are slightly different for one to another. Some experts define as follows:

• Hunderson (2003) eLearning is learning at a distance that uses computer technology (usually) the internet
• eLearning come from the word “electronic” and “learning” so that eLearning is method or teaching learning model through electronic tools (off-line and on-line)
• Mishra (2009) emphasize that eLearning is “a broad term, encompassing a wide variety of electronic technologies used for educational purpose, and a wide variety of educational formats and designs”

Basically e Learning can be define into thrre categories; They are :

• Computer Based Learning
• Web Based Learning
• Internet Based Learning

eLearning, Web-based learning, online learning, and distance learning are widely used as interchangeable terms. However, these terms represent concepts with subtle, yet consequential differences. In this article, we reveal the differences, review the meanings of these terms, and suggest definitions.
A clear understanding of these concepts and their fundamental differences is important for both the educational and training communities. Applying each of these terms adequately is key to assuring reliable communication between clients and vendors, members of technical teams, and the research community. A thorough familiarity with each concept and its distinctive characteristics is a critical factor in establishing adequate specifications, evaluating alternative options, selecting best solutions, and enabling and promoting effective learning practices.
Purposes of eLearning

1. Increase access to learning opportunity and flexibility
The flexibility of time and place will increase the people with limitedly free time and the people in the remote area the opportunity to access study.
2. Cost effective education
The technology will decrease the cost needed for study.
3. Enhance general quality of education
The ease of manage and control will increase the quality.
4. Meet students learning styles
The flexibility of choosing the pace and material can definitely suit students learning styles.
5. Develop 21st century skills and competencies
The technology will introduce and give some modern skill needed.



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